Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Business!

We are so excited!! We are trying to earn money to buy puppies!  We have picked raspberries all summer and raised a few bum goats that mom gave to us.  So far we have $230.  Not as much as we need to get them and have them fixed but it is a good start.  We are also selling scarves this fall.  They are $10 each.  If you are interested please let us know at  Thanks so much!

This one above is sold but can be remade from similar yarn...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Want to Ride?

We sold the baby goats that were being bottle fed.  Before we did we had some fun.  We took the saddles off our dolls horses and put them on the babies.  They fit perfectly.  They were so much fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The babies are coming!

And we already have two bottle babies.
If a Boer goat has triplets,
we always pull one so they all get enough to eat.
We have been very busy being their moms.

It won't be too long and they will be sold.
We enjoy them while we can.

They are fun!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Time for Pumpkin Muffins

For Pumpkin muffins we prefer not to use true pumpkin, it is too stringy.  This one is a Georgia Candy Roaster, a squash, we were not sure when we bought the seeds if it would grow here because it requires 120 days and that is a little longer than our season allows.  But I am glad we tried because it is a sweet and very good tasting squash.  Other squash we use are hubbard, banana, or acorn.  We grow tons of pumpkins and squash for our livestock so there is always a lot to choose from.

First you need to cut it in half and scrape out all the seeds.  Then put it face down on a rimmed baking sheet and bake until it is tender.

Once the squash is cooked all the way through the shell will pull off easily.

cut the squash into chunks then use a potato masher until the squash is creamy.

Then you can use it in any recipe that calls for canned pumpkin.  If you have left over squash you can freeze it, we usually don't.  I will post my recipe for pumpkin muffins as soon as I get a chance.  They make the best breakfast on a crisp morning with a mug of spiced cider.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pigeons at the fair

Here are some pictures of the pigeons at the fair....
This one is my favorite!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

More of West Yellowstone

Visiting West Yellowstone

This elk picture was taken in Mammoth.
It was right down town and not afraid of people at all.
You can get real close to them and they do not care.
This was taken on the way to Old Faithful.

This ground squirel was at the rest stop.

They were obviously curious about my little sister Gracie.
They came right up to her and she could have picked
them up if she would have wanted to.

This big old guy was stopping traffic.
Walking down the middle of the road in front of us. It was funny.